New Method of Handling Tied Sets in the NGC Registry

Posted on 7/1/2005

In response to much feedback regarding the method of handling sets with tied scores, we've made some changes.

In response to much feedback regarding the method of handling sets with tied scores, we've made some changes.

In the past, sets with the same score were ranked according to which set achieved the highest score first.

A change has been implemented so that the Registry system will first rank by score and in the case of a tie the system will determine which set has the highest percentage of coin images. If the score and percentage of images is equal between two sets, then the percentage of coin descriptions will be considered. In a case where score, images and user descriptions are equal, the system will then sort by the date the score was achieved. So to break it down, ranking is achieved by considering in this order:

  1. Set score
  2. Percentage of coins with images
  3. Percentage of coins with descriptions
  4. Date the score was achieved

We hope, through this change, to reward and encourage those who share their sets more fully by providing the pictures and personal descriptions that allow others to truly enjoy the sets, as well as to reduce the number of ties.

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