NGC Executives Receive Prestigious Awards from PNG

Posted on 8/5/2014

Steven R. Eichenbaum, CEO of the Certified Collectibles Group, and Rick Montgomery, president of NGC, were honored with two significant awards at the Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG) banquet, Monday, August 4.

Steven R. Eichenbaum
Certified Collectibles Group CEO

Eichenbaum received the Numismatic Statesman Award for his tireless efforts to introduce new collectors to the hobby and to grow the hobby internationally. Montgomery was given the Art Kagin Ambassador Award in recognition of his commitment to integrity and ethics in the hobby over the last 30 years. Prominent dealer Fred Weinberg presented the award to Montgomery.

I am honored to have been given the PNG's Numismatic Statesman Award," says Eichenbaum. "Our core philosophy is to always do the right thing, and I think this has had a tremendous impact on adding trust to the marketplace around the world."

Rick Montgomery
NGC President

Montgomery echoed Eichenbaum's sentiments: "I was surprised and humbled when I received the Art Kagin Ambassador Award. I believe that integrity is everything, and I will continue to work towards greater ethics and transparency in the hobby." The Art Kagin Ambassador Award is named after a former PNG President and nationally-known Iowa dealer who provided distinguished service as an advocate of numismatic goodwill.

Several other awards were also presented at the banquet held on the eve of the American Numismatic Association's World's Fair of Money in Rosemont, IL.

The Professional Numismatists Guild is a nonprofit trade association composed of the country's top rare coin and paper money dealers who must adhere to a strict Code of Ethics in the buying and selling of numismatic merchandise.

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