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The coin budget might get a boost afterall...



This might be a bit rambling but I will get to a point, I swear.

My wife and I got that 2nd stimulus check a few weeks ago and we set about spending the majority of it on 1) redoing and improving our kids playroom to make it more comfortable and fun for the boys ($500 that has made life sooo much easier for Shandy) 2) allowing us to spend more than we normally would have on anniversary presents and 3) planning a weekend AirBnB get away to celebrate Ben’s Bday since he will once again not be getting a party with friends.

I was joking with my wife last week that, if this $1400 third round gets passed (which, who knows what that will be for a family of 4 this time - IF something gets passed - IF we're elligible) I'd love to pick up a couple of the small gold coins on my list that I'd like to get- including an Italian 20L and / or a Swiss 20F.

She said she was maybe open to that but the other high priority thing is that Sam has an intensive, 3 week therapy session coming up in March and she was wanting to use the check, if we got one, to minimize the impact on our savings. We've been waiting for them to run it on insurance (we have great insurance) but we've been worried that this might be a $3,000-5,000 hit for us, but it's something we both feel Sam will benefit from.

Anyway... we found out that - in part because of the way they bill and the way the insurance treats it - we may only be out $1,250. We already have this set aside to pay medical costs / his deductible for this year.

So I'm thinking the coin budget might be saved / beefed up a little if 1) we get a third check, 2) I get a bonus, or 3) our tax bill is less than the ~$4,500 I have set aside for it.

Of course, this usually involves making some concessions to Shandy too. Last year she was supposed to get a spa day which she never got because of CoVID and it is still owed to her. I still have no clue when she'll feel safe enough to do that. Maybe in Q3 when / if most people are vaccinated and we are too hopefully.

Seems like the reddit silver squeeze attempt is fizzling and not sizzling for now so I'm hoping prices will be mostly reasonable when the time comes, if the time comes.

We'll see if any of this day dreaming amounts to anything but it's fun for now either way.



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I hope the playroom updates prove fruitful and that the Air Bnb is a good one. Updates welcome...😂😂


I don't have any gold, let alone graded gold, but I've been inspired by your posting on this topic and may put it on the bucket list. 



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On 2/14/2021 at 2:22 PM, thisistheshow said:

I don't have any gold, let alone graded gold, but I've been inspired by your posting on this topic and may put it on the bucket list. 

I mostly just find it interesting to think that we are still within 100 years of a time when all currencies were backed by gold (and convertible to each other based on gold weight and not floating exchange rates) and when (reasonably affluent) people might have actually had real gold in their pockets and paid for things with actual gold coins - not the manganese brass of the "golden" dollar coins of the 21st century. I also think it's interesting that some 75 years ago it was illegal in the United States to own gold that wasn't coins of "historic significance" or jewelry. I also think it's interesting that it was global wars and government spending on those wars that largely brought the era of gold coinage to an end.

The playroom upgrades have already and continue to pay off in big ways.

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