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Coinbuf's Journal

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Some people are just so ugly, nasty, and downright awful!

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Today while working I had the unfortunate encounter with one of the most ugly (I am talking the persons character not physical looks) and nasty individuals for quite some time.  I had such a very nice weekend spending time with my family over the weekend, my youngest daughter was unable to come home for Christmas so this was a second celebration for the family.  And then today BAMM!! this jerk slaps me in the face with the most despicable display of rude, dishonest, and awful behavior; really a downer after such a fantastic weekend.

For those that do not know I own a small vending company and while servicing a car dealership account today I had placed a items on a table next to the vending machines.   An older service customer came in and sat down at this table and immediately began to spray the table down with some antiseptic spray and wipe the table off.   I was busy at the machine but was going to move the items off the table for him when he just pushed a case of energy drinks off the table onto the tile floor damaging several.  He then proceeds to turn around and give this smug smirch and say oh I'm sorry but those shouldn't have been there anyway; what a jack knob!!   I mean it was 7AM this tool had the entire waiting room and could have sat anywhere.   Needless to say I wanted so badly to pound on this guy, but as a vender in another business I have to bite my tongue and control my urge to cream this jerk.  

I usually tend to think that people over the age of 60 have better morals and ethics but every now and then I meet one that reminds me that disrespectful nasty people come in all ages.    Phew, ok I'm better after venting, back to your regular programing.  :)

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As I get older, and I go about life, I am thankful for the perspective, sympathy, and empathy I gain. 


It sounds like this person did not utilize these things. 


And it also sounds like you perhaps added to yours. 

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I feel ya bud!  i used to be a waiter then a bartender......there are some folks out there that you can not please even if you hung them with a brand new rope.  they just arnt happy unless they are miserable and making other people miserable.  

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One of my daughters is a waitress while taking collage classes, the stories she has told me indeed.   Its a good for me that I don't work in a service industry where I would have to interact with lots of these types, I'd lose it for sure. :(

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I am on the school board where I live and EVERY SINGLE Day I am reminded how rude, disrespectful, and down right spoiled people really are. He showed his tail, while you showed your good character and, of course, good character always prevails. In fact, he may have watched how well you carried yourself and thought to himself, "Wow, I wanna be a man like that when I grow up (if I don't die of old age first)" or there could've been that young man you didn't see who saw you and decided that you were the tye of man he wants to be. Don't ever be sorry for doing the right thing because someone, even if just your inner self, is always watching. 

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