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Thanks, NGC!



The “Best in Category” certificates from NGC arrived a few weeks ago (Thanks for that, NGC). That was great to get, also a relief. I lost track of how many times I had double checked the spelling on the address in my account after I’d updated it earlier in the year. I was paranoid that something would go to the wrong place because I forgot to update something or typed something in wrong. So it was great to have that confirmation that it really was right. 


Sunday (4/14) I got a call from my Aunt. She lives in the house that used to belong to my grandmother until she passed away in 2017. That was the house I grew up in and the house I was living in when I joined this site. She said I package arrived for me, which is strange given that, after having been moved out for nearly 10 years, I’d updated my address pretty much everywhere. When these things come, she tends to call me fast just in case it’s important or urgent. She starts describing the package to me and she says it’s from NGC (not that she has any clue what that means). There’s only about one thing that could be – the new Journal Award plaque. 


I tell her I’m pretty sure I know what it is and that, while I’m (honestly) surprised that it showed up there, it’s nothing problematic to worry about - just hand it over to my parents the next time she has a chance. I live about 50 miles away from her / that house now. It’s not easy for her to get to me or for me to get to her, but if she gives it to my parents it’ll get to me the next time I see them – which shouldn’t be a long wait with Sam having come home now. 


She got the package to my parents on 4/24. They opened it with my blessing and confirmed that it was the plaque.  




I’ll finally get my hands on it when I see my parents next weekend on Saturday the 4th to see Sam and Ben. At that point It’ll get to join the other two in the place of honor they’ve long gotten to enjoy on the corner of my desk hutch. 




For anyone that’s curious: The print is an open edition print of an image called “Ascendant” by Lawrence A Williams – it was featured art at a convention I went to years ago and I’ve always liked the image. The little robots are game pieces for a table-top war game I used to play for years when I was in High School – my main hobby for about 4 years I think and set in a universe I’ve read books for and been in love with since I was 11 (over 20 years now). The unopened bottle of Scotch is a 12-year Scotch that I bought when Shandy and I went to Aberdeen in late 2017. I got it as a memento of the trip. I haven’t decided when yet but that’ll only get opened for a special occasion one day. A little out of frame there's a few pictures of Ben in a frame. The opposite wall of the office has all 5 of the degrees Shandy and I have earned between the two of us. In context, that gathering of stuff says a lot about me, where I've been and what I've enjoyed / taken pride in along the way. My wife essentially controls the bedroom but this little office is my space.


I’m also going to use that meeting with the parents as a chance to give the 1932 coins and Texas commemoratives back to Choya now that they’ve been re-imaged, and maybe have him bring me over some of the other coins / sets so I can start working on making new photos for those. 



Recommended Comments

Hey William,

Though I've already told you, congrats again on all of your wins!  They've all been well deserved, and it'll be nice to have all three of your plaques together in your office.  That'll be a nice display.  I don't know what I'm going to do with my "gravestone" for my former collecting self yet......now that I have it in hand, it kind of doesn't seem right to put it with my 2017 win for something I still pursue as I feel so differently about the two projects.  I guess I'll figure it out!  BTW....I'm jealous of the neatness of your work area!  Mine is a complete disaster which is a total eyesore in our otherwise cute little kitchen.  I'm working on it, but with the dissertation and the attempted expansion of my coin selling, it'll likely get worse before it gets better.  Thankfully, Candice is patient with me and my disaster.

Kudos again my friend, you deserve it.


Edited by Mohawk
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Congratulations that shows not only do you enjoy collecting you good at it. You buy and wear smat. Good for you keep up the good work.Mike

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Congratulations, you have a gift for prose.  Your office reminds me of my own Man Corner where I keep similar things on display.  Everyone should have their own corner. 

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Thanks for everyone for all the kind words all around! I don't think I'll ever be famous for collecting but I guess I talk a good enough game. I don't know if I'll ever be comfortable with the word "deserve" in this context but I remain grateful to NGC for giving the award(s).

On 4/26/2019 at 2:18 PM, Mohawk said:

I don't know what I'm going to do with my "gravestone" for my former collecting self yet.. now that I have it in hand, it kind of doesn't seem right to put it with my 2017 win for something I still pursue as I feel so differently about the two projects.  I guess I'll figure it out!  BTW....I'm jealous of the neatness of your work area!  Mine is a complete disaster which is a total eyesore in our otherwise cute little kitchen.  


I think you probably put too much thought into these things for your own happiness, Tom. :) Everything becomes an old project eventually. An award is an award. Display and enjoy them as such. And I was actually doing some cleaning / straightening that day. The top of the hutch stays orderly enough but not the desk surface.

2 hours ago, Mokiechan said:

Congratulations, you have a gift for prose...

You should see my technical perspectives and white papers. lol I think I could put you to sleep.

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I think you probably put too much thought into these things for your own happiness, Tom. :) 

You may be right about some of that, William.  Maybe I'm trying to compartmentalize things too much in my quest for simplicity and in bidding adieu to my old, pre-Zen, pre-Minimalist self.  There's a lot to this but you're right.  I should just display it.....it does have a place.  I was that person once and it was a part of my journey.  Maybe I'll work on making a place for it near my 2017 award after all.  I've often been told I'm too cerebral for my own good sometimes, which ironically to this conversation, I'm trying to work on :)

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6 hours ago, Revenant said:

Thanks for everyone for all the kind words all around! I don't think I'll ever be famous for collecting but I guess I talk a good enough game. I don't know if I'll ever be comfortable with the word "deserve" in this context but I remain grateful to NGC for giving the award(s).

I think you probably put too much thought into these things for your own happiness, Tom. :) Everything becomes an old project eventually. An award is an award. Display and enjoy them as such. And I was actually doing some cleaning / straightening that day. The top of the hutch stays orderly enough but not the desk surface.

You should see my technical perspectives and white papers. lol I think I could put you to sleep.

And you both should see the papers I had to write for my Legal Issues in Higher Education course.......they'll definitely put both of you, and likely most of the whole community on the boards, to sleep! 

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On 4/26/2019 at 2:18 PM, Mohawk said:

That'll be a nice display.  I don't know what I'm going to do with my "gravestone" for my former collecting self yet......now that I have it in hand, it kind of doesn't seem right to put it with my 2017 win for something I still pursue as I feel so differently about the two projects. 

One of the funny things about there being a 7 year gap between the 2nd award and the 3rd: They changed the style of the plaques a little, so they don't match 100% and that sets the new one apart from the old ones a little. Not that I had any say or control over it but it's not a bad way to separate the awards from 2007-2011 from anything from 2018-forward in my case. The pre-fatherhood and the post-fatherhood eras.


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