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World Coin News 12 issues $25.99, Coin World - Weekly News Resourse 52 issues $69.99, Coin World 12 issues $24.99.  Three publications.  I am wondering which is the better of the three to subscribe to.  They all have strengths from what I can get from the few reviews listed for them on Amazon.  As well as some grips for issues delivered on time or at all.  I currently subscribe to Numismatic News for many years and issues delivered is always a problem I think because they are sent via dead last shipping.  I however hate online subscriptions, because after a day on the computer, the last thing I want to do when I sit in my favorite chair in the evening to relax is grab the tablet to read a magazine.  Nothing is better than picking up an actual piece of journalism during a commercial when watching the tube and reading an article.  I can put it down and pick it up again at the next commercial.  Any who, thoughts on the three publications would be appreciated.  As always, thanks.  PS  Anyone have the PF and MS70 of the Boys Town in brown label for sale?

Entries in this journal


NAUGHTY OR NICE! Has anyone ever bought a MS70 or PF70 "slabbed" coin from one of the other two not so popular grading services, because you got it really cheap, and broken it out of its holder and sent it to NGC in the hopes of getting a MS or PF 70 out of it? Will anyone ever admit to doing that? I wonder. I just thought I would put it out there for conversation. Have a great one everybody, and thanks for listening. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comment




2013 Reverse Proof Buffalo Ok, I have been wondering about the reverse proof Buffalo. It has a restricted ordering time and all, but do the big authorized purchasers get them first again, and at a discounted price as well? I am looking at getting one being first year of issue and all. What would be best, buy from the Mint? Buy from the after market now or later? Buy one already certified now or later? I guess I just am not experienced enough about gold buffaloes. I can take a hit on



2013 W West Point Silver Eagle sets

ARE THEY REAL OR A FANTASY? As I wrote the other day about the set for me to be shipped on 30 sept. 2013, and the big sellers promising my PF/SP 70 slabs to be shipped mid June. I wondered how they could do it. Now many of us has had emails about shipping delays etc. I wonder if the whole thing is, is that they are probably having oodles of difficulties minting the enhanced coin. Perhaps they won't even get them minted at all, and all we will receive is the RP. I wonder just for talking



3 different versions???

2013 W Enhanced Silver Eagle When I need good info or help and suggestions I come here to my members site. I know that someone will have the answere to this. Are there three different versions of the 2013 W West Point Silver enhanced Eagle that is being released? I read it in one of a magazines letters sections. I don't know about it anyway. This should bring up good discussions. I ordered one set, and it is suppose to ship 30 Sept 2013. Don't know how the big dealers and online




WOW!!!! I see one of the large internet sellers is having a "PRE-SALE" for the 2013 West Point coins. But at $289.00 a set, I think I will order a few sets and send them in myself and take my chances. Anybody else going to do the same? Thanks and as always appreciate your interest. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.




CHANNEL SURFING. Last night, nothing on the tube so started flipping channels. WOW, I was shocked!!! A coin show on a shop at home channel. He had Lincoln cents of 2009, and a roll of wheats and a 1909 VDB. He went on and on and said the wheat roll was a $50 value the 1909VDB a $50 value, and the 2009 was I think, $399, down from $499. WHAT??? I have many 1909VDB cents that are in a whole lot better condition than his, and rolls of wheats I wish I could get $50, And I have Boxes of 20



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Fellow members and 5 star General silver dollars I just completed a deal with a fellow member. The experience was great. He was very patient with me as I was having a little difficulty getting funds lined up. After everything was said and done, the coins are on their way, he sent me serial #s and pics so I can put them in my registry now. That is great As far as the 5 star Generals are concerned both my PF70 and MS70 ar not what I call perfect. On the unc there is a reeded edge scratch




EBAY April 16th, mark it on your calendar. Ebay fees skyrocket for the non store folks. That's you and me, the little guy who wants to sell something now and then. They are slowly but surley putting us totally out of the picture. We/us little guys are what made Ebay in the first place. Now the young mom can't sell her old baby clothes on ebay, cuz the fees will go up BBBBIIIIIGGGG TIME. She like me have to mark things up so high now just to cover fees, and it will never sell cuz the su




SAFE HOLDER STORAGE PRODUCTS Does anyone have knowledge or experience with Intercept Shield or Coinarmour products? I have a few of the Intercept Shield baseball card boxes, mainly because the slab boxes are no more, and they work great for the slabs. I am looking at Coinarmour, anyone know about them experience wise? Or are there other products out there that I am missing looking at? To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



How could this be?

consecutive order? Hey everyone, I was going through some of my slabs to possibly put them up for sale and simply stumbled onto something that I feel the odds are uncalculatable. I pick out an Eagle coin, MS70 NGC. set it aside and was hehawing through some others that were of different grade, but NGC non the less. Well get this fellow members now remember, I bought these two coins about 6 months apart, and from 2 different companies and from two different parts of the country. One is a




NUMISMASTER VS. GREYSHEET VS NGC PRICE GUIDE. I am strongly considering a pricing guide. This is kind of a survey I guess. Which one (ones) do you all prefer? To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.



Need help/advise

2011 Silver Eagles I have some silver eagles in pcgs in both ms69 and 70. Also they are represented by each of the mints. They all have milk spots to varying degree. None of my NGC coins have this and they also are from different mints. Plus, I guess this is why I have been collecting NGC. The quality of the PCGS is terrible. One ms70 has scratches around it like pennies have when the first one comes out of a roll from the rolling machine. Also some have nicks and scratches. So why the




SHOCKED Thank you NGC for awarding me for my competitive Eagles set. I am so, so honored to be included with all of you here. To everyone who ever read one of my journals, to responding in helpful and thoughtful ways, to looking at my photos and most of all for looking at my sets. Congratulations to ALL the other winners, and to all members as well for participating in each their own special way. I will forever be appreciative of this and all the help, advise, critism, support, and compas




MINTAGES, MINTAGES, ARE DIFFERENT.. Hi, and a New Year to you all. I am in need of some assistance everyone. I was looking up the mintage total for a certain coin the other day in the 2013 U.S. Coin Digest. The by chance saw a web page called Moderncommemoratives.com. The mintages in both sources are different for this coin, unc and proof. Looked at more from both, and the same thing. They both have different totals for mintages. So who do I go by? Is there a more authorative source?




I apologize. To the person I upset who wrote me 4 times in my email about my last journal. I apologize. Our families have had a hard time the past few weeks, and I should not have mentioned it at all. What I did not need is your colorful words of expression. Things were hurting enough, but I guess you felt that I was wrong. I deleted all of your touching emails. So that was it. I am sorry. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.




THIS ONE IS CLOSE TO MY HEART. Hi, everyone and Happy Holidays. I am so used to saying Merry Christmas, but it's not politicaly correct. Well I never was very correct anyway. I just had to show you my new find, and a hard find it was. The prices on these seem to be going going gone. Well as luck would have it, It showed up out of no wear, and was able to aquire it. A bit of sad news again for my family, trajedy has struck my family again this holiday season. My 1st cousin, who graduate




THE DUMMY HAS LEARNED Just got back from the bank to check my stuff. Shock is an understatement. I had used rubberbands to hold my stuff and lo an behold, I have to report horrible news. My silver ingots, some of which I had put in there less than a few months ago, TARNISHED!!! This is even tho they are "sealed" in the whatever they are sealed in when you get them from the BIG DEALERS. Some slabs, both gold and silver, also. I am sick. Guess you live and learn. I have collected off a




WHAT KIND IS BEST? Thanks to everyone that responded on my question involving slabs. Now I don't know which way to go. I did have them all at the house but feared summertime storms, I.E. tornadoes, floods, which both are very common where I live. Also we have had an increasing amount of home invasions, so theft is a concern, and there really is no place in my home for real safe storage. I still have more to move. I have a small safe, and put some important documents in there with silica p




CONTAMINATION? Question to all the long time members about storing slabs. I have many slabs in safe deposit boxes, and this particular place does not climate control there safe deposit area. None of the others in town do either. This is the question, I usually have 4 to 5 slabs held together with a rubberband. Will the rubberband damage the slab or the coin through disinegration or release of gases either on the coin or the holder? I look forward to feedback, oh! almost forgot, this is o




ANNONYMOUSLY DISCRETE. Each and every year, a Gold Eagle coin shows up in the Salvation Army kettle collections. This has been going on for well over a decade. Whomever it is, is very cleaver in hiding it when putting it in the kettle as bell ringers never see it at all. This person does not do it at the same location nor same day or date of the holiday season. Hence he/she/they remain annonymous. What a great way to pay it forward. Obviously this person is somewhat well to do, for he/




OUR WORK (COLLECTING) IS NEVER DONE. Well I worked all weekend to get my sets ready, but guess what? TIME ran out. I did try a few tricks this year, hope they get noticed. Let me know what you think. And a BIG WELCOME back KAMAKAZY. Hope every thing is going well. Thefab 5 are doing great. Let me know guys. As always, thanks for reading. To see old comments for this Journal entry, click here. New comments can be added below.




DISAPPOINTED ABOUT SHOW, THRILLED WITH MAIL. Hello everyone. It has been awhile, but must vent something. While at the show on Saturday, a dealer or so I think, had a table with some nice Morgans and Peace dollars. Sitting in a chair in front of him was what I thought to be a customer looking at his display which I thought was okay since all the other tables had the same. Chairs were everywere for clients to sit and look. I was looking at some slabs over the shoulder of the gentleman a




DO MOST OF THE EAGLES HAVE THIS? Was going through 3 rolls of silver eagles last night and today, and spotted something unusual to me. On all 60 coins on the reverse below the word FINE the letters f i n and sometimes e have a continuing downward ghostlike image out to the rim. It is almost like an extension of the letters, and appears to be raised. I was using a 20X glass, cuz I wanted to at least give myself a fair shot at MS70s cuz I wa going to pick some out for grading. Guess what? N




FOUND IN LINCOLN CENT ROLL. Found this in a Lincoln cent roll. On the obv. ? is a large 50 and 1969 below it with aflower blossom up through the 0 and the word GROSCHEN at the very bottom in capitol letters. The rev?has a shiel with a wide band going left to right and vertical lines above and below it. The words REPUBLIK `O`STERRICH`. Foreign coin buffs, oh it has a reeded edge, what do I have? I can put up the pic of thr rev if someone needs it. To see old comments for this Journal

