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Waiting on the budget to catch up



Lots of Plans... Waiting for funding...

I always seem to find myself in situations like this. I come up with these big ideas for what I want to do, blow through my funding (and then some) and then have to wait for a couple of weeks while my budget catches up with my ideas (which it never really seems to do). Just working on what I have planned for my signature set pretty effectively taxes my finances.

About a week ago I went a bit overboard and now I'm (predictably) paying the price for it. My sig set purchases aren't terribly high ticket items so I usually can get away with fairly frequent purchases, as long as I don't go nuts and buy a whole bunch of stuff all at once. When I do that I have to wait several weeks and suffer withdrawal from this wonderful form of metallic crack that we all seem so stuck on.

If I can show enough restraint and not buy anything for about a week I'll probably allow myself a small treat. Then in about 3 weeks I'll finally have enough cash to fund a couple of additions I've really been wanting. That basically means that I'll be happy for about 3 days and then I should be broke again. Well, it's probably not fair to say that I'm broke. I just have certain amounts of cash that I like to have in reserve just in case. Even college students don't like to be completely strapped. I'm not doing a very good job of maintaining that reserve though. My eyes are just too big for my wallet.

I, like a few others, received a package from Australia a few days ago with some metal birds in it. The kookaburras are in sig set with some stand-in pictures for the time being. I've been telling myself repeatedly that Pandas would be a focus this semester. I've been all over the place though with Maple Leafs, Libertads, Britannias, and Kiwis (oh boy, was that a budget killer, but totally worth it). Maybe now I'll actually mean it and buy a few more pandas... maybe not. We'll see. The pandas are definitely fun but so are a few of the other coins I have my sites on.

... I need to learn to pace my purchases better, I really do...

Well, I should have some help keeping my mind off my coin collection for the next couple of days. Now that projects and homework are over it's time to study for final exams. I also need to get some things taken care of at work. My job involves risk analysis and today was the research group meeting. The discussions around the table always get a little interesting at times like this. A group of safety engineers, process engineers, research scientists, and college students have a discussion about whether or not a disease is dangerous based on past data and probabilistic outcomes.

I'm really hoping for a couple of solid exam grades in the next 10 days. This semester will largely determine whether or not I have a shot at graduating Magna Laude in December. Since I'm taking the required 15 hours I might be able to make Dean's list (finally! after averaging almost a 3.8 for 4 years).

Ah! Darn it! I'm rambling again!

(Random but fun pick provided showing bills I can never keep in my wallet)




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