The NGC Modern Tier: Making Dollars and Sense for You

Posted on 8/1/2003

NGC has long been a service dedicated to those who collect and trade modern U.S. coins. This month we wanted to alert you to some positive changes that we think will make your submission experience with NGC an even greater one.

NGC has long been a service dedicated to those who collect and trade modern U.S. coins. This month we wanted to alert you to some positive changes that we think will make your submission experience with NGC an even greater one.

As of mid-August, NGC is announcing the following improvements to our U.S. Modern Tier service:

  • Quicker turnaround times. NGC will now process your U.S. modern coins in 10-12 business days, greatly accelerating the speed of service from the prior, stated 21-day turnaround time.
  • NGC is removing the value limitations for all U.S. Modern issues. This will allow the inclusion of all gold and platinum U.S. Eagles into the submission without the worry of having to break up the package or separate your sets. This removal of the value ceiling will also allow the submission of those tougher modern commemoratives, as well as some of the classic rarities that are found from 1955 to date.

NGC is also happy to announce that there will be NO fee change with these enhancements. Because of NGC’s efficiencies, you will be able to reap the rewards of submitting your modern coins to the world’s leading coin certification company while having your coins graded and housed in the most advanced, state-of-the art holder in the industry. Please note that there is still a 5-coin minimum submission requirement for Modern service.

NGC recognizes the need for quickened service for U.S. modern coins and invites all of those collectors and dealers who enjoy this genre of coinage to take advantage of this greatly improved service line.

For submission information regarding the U.S. Modern tier or any other service line offered by NGC, please visit our Web site at or contact our Customer Service department at 1-800-642-2646.

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