NGC Recognizes Chinese 1984 and 1990 Goldfish Medal Sets

Posted on 5/15/2012

NGC recognizes three varieties of the Chinese 1984 Goldfish Medal sets and one of the 1990 set.

For most people that collect modern Chinese medals, the fish sets of 1984 and 1990 has been the area of much discussion, confusion and bewilderment. Unverifiable minting records had set the stage for such lack of clarity and has left only our imagination and presumptions to interfere with the facts. After extensive research to determine their validity, however, NGC is now recognizing the following fish medals and their varieties.

1984 goldfish sets are distinguishable by one fish on the obverse. We can confirm three varieties, all of which differ in metal content. The first is a gilt brass, the second contains 90% silver and the thirds consists of silver plated brass. The images shown of these medals display our attribution information on our labels.

1984 China Medal Set - Gilt Brass 36MM
L to R: Bubble Eyes, Red High-Head, Dragon Eyes, Pearl Scales
Click image to enlarge

1984 China Medal Set - Gilt Brass 36MM
L to R: Bubble Eyes, Red High-Head, Dragon Eyes, Pearl Scales
Click image to enlarge

1984 China Medal Set - Silver 36MM
L to R: Bubble Eyes, Red High-Head, Dragon Eyes, Pearl Scales
Click image to enlarge

1984 China Medal Set - Silver 36MM
L to R: Bubble Eyes, Red High-Head, Dragon Eyes, Pearl Scales
Click image to enlarge

1984 China Medal Set - Silver Plated Brass 36MM
L to R: Bubble Eyes, Red High-Head, Dragon Eyes, Pearl Scales
Click image to enlarge

1984 China Medal Set - Silver Plated Brass 36MM
L to R: Bubble Eyes, Red High-Head, Dragon Eyes, Pearl Scales
Click image to enlarge

The 1990 set, which has two fish on the obverse, stands alone and has no counterpart. NGC grades only those consisting of 90% silver. At this time, all other metal types are considered non-eligible.

1990 China Medal Set - Silver 36MM
L to R: Bubble Eyes, Red High-Head, Dragon Eyes, Pearl Scales
Click image to enlarge

1990 China Medal Set - Silver 36MM
L to R: Bubble Eyes, Red High-Head, Dragon Eyes, Pearl Scales
Click image to enlarge

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